The Experience
Over 6 weeks, learn quick and effective strategies to downsize your stress, bring about positive mood and stabilise in peace of mind as your baseline. These can be practised anywhere, from waiting for the kettle to boil to sitting at your computer.
These techniques are based on the science of the breath, neuroscience, biochemistry, physiology and clinical hypnotherapy and are safe for everyone.
You will learn how to use the breath to reduce stress and anxiety, and other techniques to change the way you think about stressful events in your life.
The course is delivered via the members' area of Michelle's website, and features written material, audio and video lessons. There will be an optional Facebook group where you can ask questions and share experiences with other participants.
Price £297
The Benefits of Learning these Techniques
FEEL CALMER By correcting faulty and ineffective breathing patterns and by adding in some of the elements from clinical hypnotherapy, you can feel calmer, often within just a few minutes. Coherent Breathing delivers all the benefits of exercise and meditation to the brain, and brings the dominant brainwaves to the “Flow State”.
STABILISE IN PEACE OF MIND AS YOUR BASELINE Because who doesn’t want more peace of mind?! And who knew it was easily attained within a few breaths?
GAIN CONTROL OVER YOUR FEELINGS By being better able to control your inner environment, you will feel better able to cope with external life stressors.
CHANGE YOUR INNER DIALOGUE Many of us have an “inner critic” giving an unhelpful running commentary on our lives, which is, in effect, a form of self-hypnosis we are doing to ourselves all the time. We will learn new self-hypnosis techniques to help our heads become a lovely place to hang out.
LESSEN THE POWER OF STRESSFUL EVENTS Learn techniques to downsize stressful events and memories, making them easier to cope with and reducing their power.
What People Are Saying
In our informal research trial of some of these techniques:
67% said they felt less stressed 100% felt the practices gave them increased peace of mind, a sense of calm, and that it improved their stress levels. 100% were satisfied with their experience of using the techniques. 78% thought it would be easy to incorporate the practices into their everyday lives 100% would recommend the practices to others
“I found this calmed my entire system. Michelle's gentle guidance along with the reliable beep from the metronome created a comfortable environment for the release of anxiety.”
“These are simple techniques, easy to fit into the working day. carve a space for yourself in your schedule, follow Michelle's clear instructions and soothing voice and you will find stillness and calm to take forward into the rest of your day.”
“After each practice, I felt still and grounded. It helped me to find focus on what was right in front of me.”
“Great tutor, clear instruction and brilliant breathing techniques to help focus the mind and promote relaxation.”
“Wonderful breathing exercise! I found it very calming.”
“A good way to achieve peace of mind.”
Frequently Asked Questions
WHAT DO I NEED TO DO THIS COURSE? An email address + a computer or tablet (or phone!). Headphones if you want to listen to the audios on the go. Some time each week to dedicate to practising the techniques.
HOW DOES THE COURSE WORK? Before the course starts, you will be able to log into a special course member’ area. Once the course starts, new lessons, audio and video will be available each Monday, Wednesday and Friday, for the duration of the 6 weeks. Each week there will be a particular focus, which tends to be outlined in Monday’s lesson. Through the week you will also receive an audio recording and sometimes a video of that week’s practices. They are spread out so that the material is manageable and that there is time to practice and consolidate what you are learning. On the last day of class, you’ll receive a beautifully designed e-book containing all the exercises to download and keep forever—there’ll also be links to all the audios/videos.
DO I HAVE TO BE IN CLASS AT CERTAIN TIMES? No, there are no set times you have to be in class. All the course content will be uploaded to the site. You could read the content the moment it arrives or save them all up for the weekend, depending on your schedule.
Expect to spend no more than about 20 minutes on the course each day. Gift yourself this time but don’t worry about "falling behind"—make this work for you and your schedule.
WHAT WILL I GET OUT OF THE COURSE? You will have an array of tools in your Stress First Aid Kit which you can then use in your everyday life outside of this course. Some of the exercises might resonate with you more than others, and that’s OK! We’re filling your toolbox up so that by the end of the 6 weeks, you will have experienced real freedom from stress and anxiety, and will be able to select the techniques you enjoy and have found effective.
I HAVE BEEN DIAGNOSED WITH STRESS/ANXIETY/PANIC ATTACKS/DEPRESSION. SHOULD I STOP TAKING MY MEDICATION IF I USE THESE TECHNIQUES? Definitely not! These techniques are a great addition to what your doctor is already prescribing. Please do not go against the medical advice you have previously been given. I am not giving medical advice or any sort of diagnosis. These are very much complementary techniques.
About Michelle
Michelle is a Breath Coach, yoga teacher and Registered Nurse. She is a Founder Member of The Breathing Institute with Ben Wolff. She is passionate about helping people learn the skills to help themselves feel better.

Your Host: Michelle
Michelle is your host for this experience and will provide you with all the information needed.
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